Swiss Criminal Code

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Art. 22

4. At­tempts

Crim­in­al li­ab­il­ity for at­tempts


1 If, hav­ing em­barked on com­mit­ting a felony or mis­de­mean­our, the of­fend­er does not com­plete the crim­in­al act or if the res­ult re­quired to com­plete the act is not or can­not be achieved, the court may re­duce the pen­alty.

2 If the of­fend­er fails to re­cog­nise through a ser­i­ous lack of judge­ment that the act can­not un­der any cir­cum­stances be com­pleted due to the nature of the ob­ject­ive or the means used to achieve it, no pen­alty is im­posed.


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