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Swiss Criminal Code

Art. 44

3. Gen­er­al pro­vi­sions

Pro­ba­tion­ary peri­od


1 If the court sus­pends the ex­e­cu­tion of a sen­tence in full or in part, it shall make the of­fend­er sub­ject to a pro­ba­tion­ary peri­od of from two to five years.

2 The court may or­der pro­ba­tion as­sist­ance and im­pose con­duct or­ders for the dur­a­tion of the pro­ba­tion­ary peri­od.

3 The court shall ex­plain the im­port­ance and the con­sequences of the sus­pen­ded and par­tially sus­pen­ded sen­tence to the of­fend­er.

4 The pro­ba­tion­ary peri­od be­gins on no­ti­fic­a­tion of the judg­ment that is en­force­able.39

39 In­ser­ted by An­nex 1 No 3 of the Crim­in­al Re­cords Re­gister Act of 17 June 2016, in force since 23 Jan. 2023 (AS 2022 600; BBl 2014 5713).