Art. 49
3. Concurrent sentencing 1 If the offender, by committing one or more offences, has fulfilled the requirements for two or more penalties of the same form, the court shall impose the sentence for the most serious offence at an appropriately increased level. It may not, however, increase the maximum level of the sentence by more than half, and it is bound by the statutory maximum for that form of penalty. 2 If the court must pass sentence on an offence that the offender committed before he was sentenced for a different offence, it shall determine the supplementary penalty so that the offender is not more severely punished than he would have been had the sentences been imposed at the same time. 3 If the offender committed one or more offences before reaching the age of 18, the court shall determine the cumulative sentence in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 such that it is not more severe than it would have been had sentences been imposed separately. |