Swiss Criminal Code

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Art. 60

Treat­ment of ad­dic­tion


1 If the of­fend­er is de­pend­ent on ad­dict­ive sub­stances or in any oth­er way de­pend­ent, the court may or­der in-pa­tient treat­ment if:

the of­fend­er's de­pend­ence was a factor in the felony or mis­de­mean­our that he com­mit­ted; and
it is ex­pec­ted that treat­ment will re­duce the risk of fur­ther of­fences be­ing com­mit­ted in which his de­pend­ence is a factor.

2 The court shall take ac­count of the of­fend­er's re­quest for and read­i­ness to un­der­go treat­ment.

3 The treat­ment is car­ried out in a spe­cial­ised in­sti­tu­tion or, if ne­ces­sary, in a psy­chi­at­ric hos­pit­al. It must be ad­jus­ted to the spe­cial needs of the of­fend­er and the state of his health.

4 The depriva­tion of liberty as­so­ci­ated with in-pa­tient treat­ment shall nor­mally amount to a max­im­um of three years. If the re­quire­ments for pa­role have not yet been ful­filled after three years and if it is ex­pec­ted that the meas­ure will re­duce the risk of fur­ther felon­ies or mis­de­mean­ours be­ing com­mit­ted in which his de­pend­ence is a factor, the court may at the re­quest of the ex­ec­ut­ive au­thor­ity on one oc­ca­sion only or­der the ex­ten­sion of the meas­ure for a max­im­um of one fur­ther year. In the event of an ex­ten­sion and the re­call to cus­tody fol­low­ing pa­role, the depriva­tion of liberty as­so­ci­ated with the meas­ure may not ex­ceed a max­im­um of six years.


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