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Swiss Criminal Code

Art. 68

4. Pub­lic­a­tion of the judg­ment


1 If pub­lic­a­tion of a crim­in­al judg­ment is re­quired in the pub­lic in­terest, or in the in­terests of the per­son harmed or of the com­plain­ant, the court shall or­der pub­lic­a­tion at the ex­pense of the of­fend­er.

2 If pub­lic­a­tion of an ac­quit­tal or of a rul­ing of the pro­sec­u­tion ser­vice abandon­ing pro­ceed­ings is re­quired in the pub­lic in­terest, or in the in­terests of the ac­quit­ted per­son or former sus­pect, the court shall or­der pub­lic­a­tion at State ex­pense or at the ex­pense of the com­plain­ant.

3 Pub­lic­a­tion is made in the in­terests of the per­son harmed, com­plain­ant, ac­quit­ted per­son or former sus­pect only if such per­sons so re­quest.

4 The court de­cides on the form and ex­tent of pub­lic­a­tion.