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Swiss Criminal Code

Art. 69

5. For­feit­ure

a. For­feit­ure of dan­ger­ous ob­jects


1 The court shall, ir­re­spect­ive of the crim­in­al li­ab­il­ity of any per­son, or­der the for­feit­ure of ob­jects that have been used or were in­ten­ded to be used for the com­mis­sion of an of­fence or that have been pro­duced as a res­ult of the com­mis­sion of an of­fence in the event that such ob­jects con­sti­tute a fu­ture danger to pub­lic safety, mor­als or pub­lic or­der.

2 The court may or­der that the ob­jects for­feited be rendered un­us­able or be des­troyed.