Art. 77a
Day release employment and external accommodation 1 The custodial sentence is executed in the form of day release employment if the prison inmate has served part of the custodial sentence, normally a minimum one half, and it is not expected that he will abscond or commit further offences. 2 In day release employment, the prison inmate works outside the institution and spends his rest and leisure time in the institution. The change to day release employment normally takes place following an appropriate period spent in an open institution or the open section of a secure institution. Work outside the institution may also include housework and caring for children. 3 If the prison inmate proves himself to be of good behaviour in day release employment, the further execution of the sentence takes the form of external accommodation and day release employment. Here the prison inmate lives and works outside the institution, but remains under the supervision of the executive authority. BGE
148 IV 292 (6B_78/2022) from 8. Juni 2022
Regeste: Arbeitsexternat (Art. 77a StGB). Ein zu einer Freiheitsstrafe Verurteilter, der längere Zeit in Untersuchungshaft verbracht hat, kann seine (Rest-)Strafe direkt in der Form des Arbeitsexternats vollziehen, wenn er die in Art. 77a Abs. 1 StGB genannten Voraussetzungen erfüllt. Im Zeitpunkt des Entscheids über die Anordnung des Arbeitsexternats muss er sich nicht notwendigerweise im Freiheitsentzug befinden (E. 2.5.2). |