Art. 79a124
Community service 1 If it is not anticipated that the offender will abscond or commit further offences, the following sentences may be served in the form of community service:
2 Community service is not permitted as a means of serving an alternative custodial sentence. 3 Community service is work that benefits social institutions, public works or persons in need. The work is unpaid. 4 Four hours of community service correspond to one day of a custodial sentence, one daily penalty unit of a monetary penalty or one day of an alternative custodial sentence in the case of contraventions. 5 The executive authority shall allow the offender a specific period not exceeding two years within which to complete the community service. In the case of community service carried out in lieu of a fine, this period may not exceed one year. 6 If the offender fails to comply with the conditions of community service imposed by the executive authority despite being warned to do so, the custodial sentence shall be served in the normal manner or in the form of semi-detention, or the monetary penalty or fine shall be enforced. 124 Inserted by No I 1 of the FA of 19 June 2015 (Amendments to the Law of Criminal Sanctions), in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2016 1249; BBl 2012 4721). BGE
150 IV 277 (7B_261/2023) from 18. März 2024
Regeste: Art. 79b Abs. 1 lit. a StGB; elektronische Überwachung; Bemessung der Maximalstrafe bei teilbedingten Freiheitsstrafen. Für die Bemessung der Maximaldauer von 12 Monaten für den Vollzug einer Freiheitsstrafe in der Form der elektronischen Überwachung (Art. 79b Abs. 1 lit. a StGB) ist der unbedingt vollziehbare Teil der ausgesprochenen teilbedingten Freiheitsstrafe massgebend (Änderung der Rechtsprechung; E. 2). |