Swiss Criminal Code

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Art. 83



1 The pris­on in­mate re­ceives a wage for his work based on his per­form­ance and ac­cord­ing to the cir­cum­stances.

2 The pris­on in­mate may freely dis­pose of only part of his wage while serving his sen­tence. The re­main­ing part is with­held un­til the in­mate has been re­leased. The wage may neither be pledged, seized nor in­cluded in an in­solv­ent es­tate. Any as­sign­ment or pledge of the wage is null and void.

3 If the pris­on in­mate par­ti­cip­ates in ba­sic or ad­vanced train­ing in­stead of work in ac­cord­ance with his sen­tence man­age­ment plan, he re­ceives ap­pro­pri­ate re­mu­ner­a­tion.


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