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Swiss Criminal Code

Art. 84

Re­la­tions with the out­side world


1 The pris­on in­mate has the right to re­ceive vis­it­ors and to cul­tiv­ate con­tacts with per­sons out­side the in­sti­tu­tion. Con­tact with close re­l­at­ives and friends shall be fa­cil­it­ated.

2 Con­tact may be mon­itored and for the pre­ser­va­tion of or­der and se­cur­ity in the pen­al in­sti­tu­tion it may be re­stric­ted or pro­hib­ited. The mon­it­or­ing of vis­its is not per­mit­ted without the know­ledge of those con­cerned. The fore­go­ing does not ap­ply to pro­ced­ur­al meas­ures in or­der to se­cure evid­ence for the pur­poses of a pro­sec­u­tion.

3 Cler­ics, doc­tors, at­tor­neys, not­ar­ies and guard­i­ans as well as per­sons with com­par­able du­ties may be per­mit­ted to com­mu­nic­ate freely with the pris­on in­mates sub­ject to the gen­er­al in­sti­tu­tion rules.

4 Con­tact with de­fence at­tor­neys must be per­mit­ted. Vis­its from the de­fence at­tor­ney may be su­per­vised but con­ver­sa­tions may not be listened in on. In­spect­ing the con­tent of cor­res­pond­ence and at­tor­neys' doc­u­ments is not per­mit­ted. Con­tact with at­tor­neys may be pro­hib­ited by the com­pet­ent au­thor­ity in the event of ab­use.

5 Com­mu­nic­a­tions with the su­per­vis­ory au­thor­it­ies may not be mon­itored.

6 The pris­on in­mate shall be gran­ted re­lease on tem­por­ary li­cence to an ap­pro­pri­ate ex­tent in or­der to cul­tiv­ate re­la­tions with the out­side world, pre­pare for his re­lease or where there are spe­cial cir­cum­stances, provided his con­duct in cus­tody does not pre­clude this and there is no risk that he will ab­scond or com­mit fur­ther of­fences.

6bis Of­fend­ers sub­ject to in­def­in­ite in­car­cer­a­tion are not gran­ted re­lease on tem­por­ary li­cence or oth­er re­lax­a­tions of the ex­e­cu­tion of the sen­tence dur­ing the sen­tence served pri­or to in­car­cer­a­tion.126

7 Art­icle 36 of the Vi­enna Con­ven­tion of 24 April 1963127 on Con­su­lar Re­la­tions and oth­er reg­u­la­tions un­der in­ter­na­tion­al law on vis­its and cor­res­pond­ence that are bind­ing on Switzer­land are re­served.

126 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 21 Dec. 2007 (In­def­in­ite In­car­cer­a­tion of Ex­tremely Dan­ger­ous Of­fend­ers), in force since 1 Aug. 2008 (AS 2008 29612964; BBl 2006 889).

127 SR 0.191.02