Art. 84
Relations with the outside world 1 The prison inmate has the right to receive visitors and to cultivate contacts with persons outside the institution. Contact with close relatives and friends shall be facilitated. 2 Contact may be monitored and for the preservation of order and security in the penal institution it may be restricted or prohibited. The monitoring of visits is not permitted without the knowledge of those concerned. The foregoing does not apply to procedural measures in order to secure evidence for the purposes of a prosecution. 3 Clerics, doctors, attorneys, notaries and guardians as well as persons with comparable duties may be permitted to communicate freely with the prison inmates subject to the general institution rules. 4 Contact with defence attorneys must be permitted. Visits from the defence attorney may be supervised but conversations may not be listened in on. Inspecting the content of correspondence and attorneys' documents is not permitted. Contact with attorneys may be prohibited by the competent authority in the event of abuse. 5 Communications with the supervisory authorities may not be monitored. 6 The prison inmate shall be granted release on temporary licence to an appropriate extent in order to cultivate relations with the outside world, prepare for his release or where there are special circumstances, provided his conduct in custody does not preclude this and there is no risk that he will abscond or commit further offences. 6bis Offenders subject to indefinite incarceration are not granted release on temporary licence or other relaxations of the execution of the sentence during the sentence served prior to incarceration.126 7 Article 36 of the Vienna Convention of 24 April 1963127 on Consular Relations and other regulations under international law on visits and correspondence that are binding on Switzerland are reserved. 126 Inserted by No I of the FA of 21 Dec. 2007 (Indefinite Incarceration of Extremely Dangerous Offenders), in force since 1 Aug. 2008 (AS 2008 29612964; BBl 2006 889). |