Swiss Criminal Code

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Art. 85

Searches and in­spec­tions


1 The per­son­al ef­fects and the ac­com­mod­a­tion of the pris­on in­mate may be searched in the in­terests of main­tain­ing or­der and se­cur­ity in the pen­al in­sti­tu­tion.

2 A pris­on in­mate who is sus­pec­ted of con­ceal­ing un­per­mit­ted art­icles about his per­son or in his body, may be sub­jec­ted to a body search. The search must be con­duc­ted by a per­son of the same gender. If the re­mov­al of cloth­ing is re­quired, this must be car­ried out in the ab­sence of oth­er pris­on in­mates. Searches of body cav­it­ies must be car­ried out by a doc­tor or oth­er med­ic­ally qual­i­fied staff.


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