Art. 86
Parole a. Granting of parole 1 If the prison inmate has served two thirds of his sentence, provided this amounts to at least three months, he shall be released on parole by the competent authority if this is justified by his conduct while in custody and it is not expected that he will commit further felonies or misdemeanours. 2 The competent authority shall assess ex officio whether the inmate may be released on parole. It shall obtain a report from the institution board. The prison inmate shall be granted a hearing. 3 If parole is refused, the competent authority must reassess the question of whether parole may be granted at least once each year. 4 If the prison inmate has served half of his sentence, provided this amounts to at least three months, he may be released on parole by way of exception, if exceptional personal circumstances justify this. 5 In the case of persons serving a life sentence, parole under paragraph 1 is possible at the earliest after 15 years, and under paragraph 4 at the earliest after ten years. BGE
148 IV 292 (6B_78/2022) from 8. Juni 2022
Regeste: Arbeitsexternat (Art. 77a StGB). Ein zu einer Freiheitsstrafe Verurteilter, der längere Zeit in Untersuchungshaft verbracht hat, kann seine (Rest-)Strafe direkt in der Form des Arbeitsexternats vollziehen, wenn er die in Art. 77a Abs. 1 StGB genannten Voraussetzungen erfüllt. Im Zeitpunkt des Entscheids über die Anordnung des Arbeitsexternats muss er sich nicht notwendigerweise im Freiheitsentzug befinden (E. 2.5.2). |