Swiss Criminal Code

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Art. 179decies250

Iden­tity theft


Any per­son who uses the iden­tity of an­oth­er per­son without his or her con­sent in or­der to harm that per­son or in or­der to ob­tain an un­law­ful ad­vant­age for him­self or her­self or an­oth­er shall be li­able on com­plaint to a cus­todi­al sen­tence not ex­ceed­ing one year or to a mon­et­ary pen­alty.

250In­ser­ted by An­nex 1 No II 26 of the Data Pro­tec­tion Act of 25 Sept. 2020, in force since 1 Sept. 2023 (AS 2022 491; BBl 2017 6941).


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