Swiss Criminal Code

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Art. 322quater

Ac­cept­ance of bribes


Any per­son who as a mem­ber of a ju­di­cial or oth­er au­thor­ity, as a pub­lic of­fi­cial, of­fi­cially-ap­poin­ted ex­pert, trans­lat­or or in­ter­pret­er, or as an ar­bit­rat­or de­mands, se­cures the prom­ise of or ac­cepts an un­due ad­vant­age for that per­son or for a third party in or­der that he car­ries out or fails to carry out an act in con­nec­tion with his of­fi­cial activ­ity which is con­trary to his duty or de­pend­ent on his dis­cre­tion,

shall be li­able to a cus­todi­al sen­tence not ex­ceed­ing five years or to a mon­et­ary pen­alty.


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