Swiss Criminal Procedure Code

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 134 Dismissal and change of duty defence lawyer

1If there is no longer any reas­on to have a duty de­fence law­yer, the dir­ect­or of pro­ceed­ings shall dis­miss the law­yer.

2If the mu­tu­al trust between the ac­cused and his or her duty de­fence law­yer is ser­i­ously com­prom­ised or the pro­vi­sion of an ef­fect­ive de­fence is no longer guar­an­teed for oth­er reas­ons, the dir­ect­or of pro­ceed­ings shall ap­point an­oth­er per­son as the duty de­fence law­yer.

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