Swiss Criminal Procedure Code

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 88 Public notice

1Ser­vice shall be ef­fected by pub­lic­a­tion in an of­fi­cial gaz­ette des­ig­nated by the Con­fed­er­a­tion or the can­ton where:

the where­abouts of the ad­dress­ee are un­known and can­not be as­cer­tained des­pite mak­ing reas­on­able en­quir­ies;
ser­vice is im­possible or would lead to ex­cep­tion­al in­con­veni­ence;
a party or his or her leg­al agent with dom­i­cile, ha­bitu­al res­id­ence or re­gistered of­fice abroad has failed to provide an ad­dress for ser­vice in Switzer­land.

2Ser­vice is deemed to be ef­fected on the day of pub­lic­a­tion.

3In the case of fi­nal judg­ments, only the con­clu­sions of the judg­ment shall be pub­lished.

4De­cisions to take no pro­ceed­ings and sum­mary pen­alty or­ders are deemed to be served without pub­lic­a­tion be­ing re­quired.

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