1 The police shall establish the identity of the arrested person immediately after the arrest, inform him or her of the reason for the arrest in a language the person can understand and caution the person as to his or her rights within the meaning of Article 158. Thereafter, they shall inform the public prosecutor immediately of the arrest.
2 They shall then question the arrested person in accordance with Article 159 on the suspected offences and carry out appropriate investigations immediately in order to substantiate or rebut the allegations and any other grounds for detention.
3 If investigations reveal that there are no grounds for detention or such reasons no longer apply, they shall release the arrested person immediately. If the investigations confirm the suspicions and any grounds for detention, they shall hand the person over to the public prosecutor immediately.
4 Release or handover shall in any case take place at the latest within 24 hours; if the person was stopped before the arrest, then the period while stopped shall be taken into account when calculating the time limit.
5 If the police have provisionally arrested a person in accordance with Article 217 paragraph 3, the person may only be held for more than 3 hours if a corresponding order is given by a police officer authorised to do so by the Confederation or the canton.