Art. 231Preventive detention following the judgment of the court of first instance
1 The court of first instance shall decide in its judgment whether a person convicted should be placed or should remain in preventive detention:
in order to ensure that a sentence or measure is duly executed;
with a view to appellate proceedings.
2 If an accused in detention is acquitted and the court of first instance orders his or her release, the public prosecutor may apply to the court of first instance for the director of appellate proceedings to order the continuation of preventive detention. In such a case, the person concerned shall remain in detention until the director of appellate proceedings makes a decision. The director of appellate proceedings shall decide on the application made by the public prosecutor within 5 days of the application being filed.
3 If the objections withdrawn, the court of first instance shall decide on how the period spent in detention following the judgment will be taken into account.