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Swiss Criminal Procedure Code
(Criminal Procedure Code, CrimPC)

of 5 October 2007 (Status as of 1 July 2022)

Art. 266 Procedure

1 The crim­in­al justice au­thor­ity or­der­ing seizure shall con­firm that it has re­ceived the prop­erty and as­sets seized or handed over in the seizure or­der or in a sep­ar­ate re­ceipt.

2 It shall draw up a list and safe­guard the prop­erty and as­sets ap­pro­pri­ately.

3 If im­mov­able prop­erty is seized, an in­hib­i­tion shall be ordered; this shall be re­cor­ded in the Land Re­gister.

4 The seizure of a debt shall be no­ti­fied to the debt­or, who shall be ad­vised that re­pay­ment to the cred­it­or will not settle the debt.

5 Prop­erty that is sub­ject to rap­id de­pre­ci­ation or re­quires ex­pens­ive main­ten­ance, as well as se­cur­it­ies or oth­er as­sets with a stock ex­change or mar­ket price may be sold im­me­di­ately in ac­cord­ance with the Fed­er­al Act of 11 April 188980 on Debt En­force­ment and Bank­ruptcy (DEBA). The pro­ceeds shall be seized.

6 The Fed­er­al Coun­cil shall reg­u­late the in­vest­ment of seized as­sets.