Swiss Criminal Procedure Code
Art. 276 Results not required
1 Records of authorised surveillance operations that are not required for criminal proceedings shall be stored separately from the case documents and destroyed immediately on conclusion of the proceedings. 2 Postal items may be retained for as long as this is necessary for the criminal proceedings; they must be released to the addressee as soon as the status of the proceedings permits. BGE
129 IV 345 () from 17. Oktober 2003
Regeste: Art. 80 Abs. 2 VStrR; Fristen zur Einreichung kantonaler Rechtsmittel im Verwaltungsstrafverfahren. Die 20-tägige Frist des Art. 80 Abs. 2 VStrR ist zwingend. Die Kantone sind nicht befugt, längere Fristen einzuführen (E. 2.3). |