Swiss Criminal Procedure Code
Art. 316
1 Where the proceedings relate to an offence that is prosecuted only on complaint, the public prosecutor may summon the complainant and the accused to a hearing with the aim of achieving a settlement. If the complainant fails to attend, the complaint is deemed to have been withdrawn. 2 If consideration is being given to an exemption from punishment due to reparation being made in accordance with Article 53 SCC156, the public prosecutor shall invite the person suffering harm and the accused to a hearing with the aim of agreeing on reparation. 3 If an agreement is reached, this shall be placed on record and signed by those involved. The public prosecutor shall then abandon the proceedings. 4 If the accused fails to attend a hearing in accordance with paragraphs 1 or 2 or if no agreement is reached, the public prosecutor shall immediately proceed with the investigation. In cases where it is justified, it may require the complainant to provide security for costs and damages within ten days. BGE
140 IV 118 (6B_1104/2013) from 5. Juni 2014
Regeste: Art. 316 Abs. 1 StPO; Vorladung zu einer Vergleichsverhandlung; Offizialdelikt. Die Staatsanwaltschaft kann nach dem französischen Wortlaut von Art. 316 Abs. 1 Satz 1 StPO eine Vergleichsverhandlung vorsehen, wenn sich das Vorverfahren ausschliesslich auf Antragsdelikte bezieht. Die deutsche und italienische Fassung unterscheiden sich vom französischen Text insofern, als das Adverb "ausschliesslich" darin nicht enthalten ist. Ein Vergleich ist nicht ausgeschlossen, wenn das Verfahren nebst Antragsdelikten auch Offizialdelikte betrifft (E. 3). |