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Swiss Criminal Procedure Code
(Criminal Procedure Code, CrimPC)

of 5 October 2007 (Status as of 1 July 2022)

Art. 339 Opening; Preliminary and supplementary issues

1 The dir­ect­or of pro­ceed­ings shall open the main hear­ing, an­nounce the com­pos­i­tion of the court and es­tab­lish wheth­er the per­sons summoned are present.

2 The court and the parties may then raise pre­lim­in­ary is­sues in par­tic­u­lar re­lat­ing to:

the com­pet­ence of the charge;
pro­ced­ur­al re­quire­ments;
pro­ced­ur­al im­ped­i­ments;
the files and the evid­ence taken;
the ad­mis­sion of the pub­lic to the hear­ing;
the di­vi­sion of the hear­ing.

3 The court de­cides im­me­di­ately on the pre­lim­in­ary is­sues after grant­ing the parties present the right to be heard.

4 If the parties raise sup­ple­ment­ary is­sues dur­ing the main hear­ing, the court shall deal with these in the same way as pre­lim­in­ary is­sues.

5 The court may ad­journ the main hear­ing at any time in or­der to deal with pre­lim­in­ary or sup­ple­ment­ary is­sues, and to add to or have the pub­lic pro­sec­utor add to the files or the evid­ence.