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Swiss Criminal Procedure Code
(Criminal Procedure Code, CrimPC)

of 5 October 2007 (Status as of 1 July 2022)

Art. 362 Judgment or rejection of application

1 The court shall be free to de­cide wheth­er:

the con­duct of ac­cel­er­ated pro­ceed­ings is law­ful and reas­on­able;
the charge cor­res­ponds to the res­ult the main hear­ing and the files; and
the re­ques­ted sanc­tions are equit­able.

2 If the re­quire­ments for a judg­ment in the ac­cel­er­ated pro­ceed­ings are ful­filled, the court shall is­sue a judg­ment that sets out the of­fences, sanc­tions and civil claims con­tained in the in­dict­ment, to­geth­er with a brief state­ment of reas­ons for the ful­fil­ment of the re­quire­ments for the ac­cel­er­ated pro­ceed­ings.

3 If the re­quire­ments for a judg­ment in the ac­cel­er­ated pro­ceed­ings are not ful­filled, the court shall re­turn the files to the pub­lic pro­sec­utor so that or­din­ary pre­lim­in­ary pro­ceed­ings may be con­duc­ted. The court shall give no­tice of its de­cision not to is­sue a judg­ment both or­ally and by is­su­ing writ­ten con­clu­sions. This de­cision is non-con­test­able.

4 Fol­low­ing a de­cision not to is­sue a judg­ment in ac­cel­er­ated pro­ceed­ings, state­ments made by the parties for the pur­pose of the ac­cel­er­ated pro­ceed­ings may not be used in any sub­sequent or­din­ary pro­ceed­ings.

5 The sole grounds for ap­peal against a judg­ment in ac­cel­er­ated pro­ceed­ings are that a party did not con­sent to the in­dict­ment or that the judg­ment does not cor­res­pond to the in­dict­ment.