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Swiss Criminal Procedure Code
(Criminal Procedure Code, CrimPC)

of 5 October 2007 (Status as of 1 July 2022)

Art. 399 Notice of intention to appeal and appeal petition

1 No­tice of in­ten­tion to ap­peal must be giv­en in writ­ing or or­ally to the court of first in­stance with­in 10 days of the is­su­ing of the judg­ment.

2 When it has drawn up the writ­ten judg­ment stat­ing the grounds, the court of first in­stance shall trans­mit the no­tice to­geth­er with the files to the court of ap­peal.

3 The party that has giv­en no­tice of in­ten­tion to ap­peal shall file a writ­ten ap­peal pe­ti­tion with the court of ap­peal with­in 20 days of re­ceiv­ing the writ­ten judg­ment stat­ing the grounds. In the pe­ti­tion, he or she must in­dic­ate:

wheth­er he or she is con­test­ing the judg­ment in its en­tirety or only in part;
which changes to the judg­ment is­sued by the court of first in­stance judg­ment it is re­quest­ing; and
what re­quests for fur­ther evid­ence to be taken it is mak­ing.

4 If a per­son is only con­test­ing part of the judg­ment, he or she must in­dic­ate in the ap­peal pe­ti­tion which of the fol­low­ing parts the ap­peal is lim­ited to:

the ver­dict, and which ver­dict if there is more than one of­fence;
the sen­tence im­posed;
the meas­ures ordered;
the civil claim or in­di­vidu­al civil claims;
the in­cid­ent­al ef­fects of the judg­ment;
the award of costs, dam­ages or sat­is­fac­tion;
the sub­sequent ju­di­cial de­cisions.