Art. 426Liability to pay costs of the accused and parties to separate measures proceedings
1 The accused shall bear the procedural costs if he or she is convicted. Exempted therefrom are the costs of the duty defence lawyer; Article 135 paragraph 4 is reserved.
2 If the proceedings are abandoned or the accused acquitted, all or part of the procedural costs may be imposed on the accused if he or she has unlawfully or culpably caused the proceedings to be initiated or has obstructed their conduct.
3 The accused shall not bear the procedural costs that:
the Confederation or the canton has incurred through unnecessary or flawed procedural acts;
are incurred for translations that were necessary because the accused speaks a foreign language.
4 The accused shall bear the costs of the private claimant's legal aid representative only if he or she has the financial means to do so.
5 The provisions of this Article apply mutatis mutandis to parties to separate measures procedures if they are unsuccessful.