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Swiss Criminal Procedure Code
(Criminal Procedure Code, CrimPC)

of 5 October 2007 (Status as of 1 July 2022)

Art. 437 Entry into force

1 Judg­ments and oth­er de­cisions con­clud­ing pro­ceed­ings against which an ap­pel­late rem­edy may be re­ques­ted un­der this Code be­come leg­ally bind­ing when:

the peri­od for re­ques­ted ap­pel­late rem­edy has ex­pired and no re­quest has been made;
the en­titled per­son de­clares that he or she is waiv­ing his or her right to an ap­pel­late rem­edy or with­draw­ing an ap­pel­late rem­edy already re­ques­ted;
the ap­pel­late au­thor­ity de­cides not to con­sider the sub­stance of the ap­pel­late rem­edy or to re­ject it.

2 The de­cision be­comes leg­ally bind­ing with ret­ro­spect­ive ef­fect from the day on which the de­cision was is­sued.

3 De­cisions that are not sub­ject to the right to an ap­pel­late rem­edy un­der this Code be­come leg­ally bind­ing on be­ing is­sued.