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Swiss Criminal Procedure Code
(Criminal Procedure Code, CrimPC)

of 5 October 2007 (Status as of 1 July 2022)

Art. 83 Explanation and correction of decisions

1 If the con­clu­sions to the de­cision are un­clear, con­tra­dict­ory or in­com­plete, or if they are in­con­sist­ent with the grounds, the crim­in­al justice au­thor­ity that made the de­cision shall ex­plain or cor­rect the de­cision on the ap­plic­a­tion of a party or on its own ini­ti­at­ive.

2 The ap­plic­a­tion must be sub­mit­ted in writ­ing, in­dic­at­ing the mat­ters that are con­tested or the amend­ment that are re­ques­ted.

3 The crim­in­al justice au­thor­ity shall al­low the oth­er parties the op­por­tun­ity to com­ment on the ap­plic­a­tion.

4 No­tice of the ex­plan­a­tion for or cor­rec­tions to the de­cision shall be giv­en to the parties.