Swiss Criminal Procedure Code
(Criminal Procedure Code, CrimPC)

of 5 October 2007 (Status as of 1 July 2023)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 125 Security for the claims against the private claimant

1 A private claimant, with the ex­cep­tion of the vic­tim, must on ap­plic­a­tion by the ac­cused lodge se­cur­ity in re­spect of the ac­cused's prob­able costs arising from the civil claim if:

he or she is not dom­i­ciled or has no re­gistered of­fice in Switzer­land;
he or she ap­pears to be in­solv­ent, in par­tic­u­lar if bank­ruptcy pro­ceed­ings have been opened or com­pos­i­tion pro­ceed­ings are on­go­ing or if cer­ti­fic­ates of loss have been is­sued;
for oth­er reas­ons, there is reas­on to fear that the ac­cused's claim could be ser­i­ously jeop­ard­ised or frus­trated.

2 The dir­ect­or of pro­ceed­ings for the court shall is­sue a fi­nal judg­ment on the ap­plic­a­tion. He or she shall de­term­ine the amount of se­cur­ity and fix a time lim­it for its pay­ment.

3 The se­cur­ity may be paid in cash or take the form of a guar­an­tee from a bank per­man­ently es­tab­lished in Switzer­land.

4 It may be ret­ro­spect­ively in­creased, re­duced or re­voked.

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