Swiss Criminal Procedure Code
(Criminal Procedure Code, CrimPC)

of 5 October 2007 (Status as of 1 July 2023)

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Art. 52 Principles

1 Fed­er­al and can­ton­al pub­lic pro­sec­utors, au­thor­it­ies re­spons­ible for pro­sec­ut­ing con­tra­ven­tions and courts are en­titled to or­der and carry out any of the pro­ced­ur­al acts spe­cified in this Code dir­ectly in an­oth­er can­ton.

2 Pri­or no­tice shall be giv­en to the pub­lic pro­sec­utor of the can­ton in which the pro­ced­ur­al act is to be car­ried out. In cases of ur­gency, sub­sequent no­tice is pos­sible. No no­tice is re­quired for ob­tain­ing in­form­a­tion and for re­quest­ing the han­dover of files.

3 The costs of the pro­ced­ur­al acts and any re­lated ob­lig­a­tions to pay dam­ages shall be borne by the Con­fed­er­a­tion or the can­ton car­ry­ing out the act; it may charge the costs to the parties in ac­cord­ance with Art­icles 426 and 427.

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