Art. 143 Conduct of the examination hearing
1 At the start of the examination hearing, the person being questioned shall, in a language they can understand:
2 A note must be made in the record that the provisions of paragraph 1 have been complied with. 3 The criminal justice authority may make further enquiries in relation to the identity of the person being questioned. 4 It shall invite the person being questioned to comment on the subject matter of the examination hearing. 5 It shall endeavour by means of clearly formulated questions and contentions to obtain comprehensive statements and to clarify any contradictions. 6 The person being questioned shall make his or her statement on the basis of his or her recollections. He or she may make use of written documents with the consent of the director of proceedings; these documents shall be added to the case documents on conclusion of the examination hearing. 7 Persons with speech or hearing difficulties shall be questioned in writing or with the assistance of a suitably qualified person. BGE
149 IV 9 (6B_1325/2021, 6B_1348/2021) from 27. September 2022
Regeste: a Art. 6 EMRK, Art. 14 Abs. 3 lit. g UNO-Pakt II, Art. 32 BV und Art. 113 StPO; Selbstbelastungsprivileg ("nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare") und Recht zu schweigen; Verpflichtung, die Personalien anzugeben. Allgemeiner Geltungsbereich des Selbstbelastungsprivilegs (E. 5.1). Das Prinzip kann weder als Grundlage für ein Recht auf Anonymität verstanden werden noch vermag es die Weigerung der Bekanntgabe der Personalien zu rechtfertigen (E. 5.2). |