Swiss Criminal Procedure Code
(Criminal Procedure Code, CrimPC)

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Art. 174 Decision on permitting a person to refuse to testify

1 The de­cision on wheth­er to al­low a per­son to re­fuse to testi­fy is made by:

the au­thor­ity con­duct­ing the ex­am­in­a­tion hear­ing in the pre­lim­in­ary pro­ceed­ings;
the court after charges have been brought.

2 The wit­ness may re­quest a re­view by the ob­jec­tions court im­me­di­ately after re­ceiv­ing no­ti­fic­a­tion of the de­cision.

3 Un­til the ob­jec­tions court makes its de­cision, the wit­ness is en­titled to re­fuse to testi­fy.

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