Art. 214 Notification
1 If a person is arrested, or placed on remand or in preventive detention, the relevant criminal justice authority shall immediately notify:
2 No notification shall be given if this is precluded by the purpose of the investigation or the person concerned expressly so requests. 3 Where an arrested person is subject to a compulsory measure involving the deprivation of his or her liberty and a dependant suffers difficulties as a result, the criminal justice authority shall notify the relevant social services authorities. 4 The victim shall be informed of the accused being placed in or released from remand or preventive detention, the ordering of an alternative measure under Article 237 paragraph 2 letter c or g, or if the accused absconds, unless he or she has expressly requested not to be informed.109 Such information may not be provided if it would expose the accused to a serious danger. 109 Amended by Annex No 1 of the FA of 13 Dec. 2013 on Activity Prohibition Orders and Contact Prohibition and Exclusion Orders, in force since 1 Jan. 2015 (AS 2014 2055; BBl 20128819). |