Swiss Criminal Procedure Code
(Criminal Procedure Code, CrimPC)

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Art. 294 No criminal liability 225

Provided un­der­cov­er in­vest­ig­at­ors are act­ing in the course of an au­thor­ised un­der­cov­er in­vest­ig­a­tion, they shall not be held crim­in­ally li­able un­der the fol­low­ing pro­vi­sions:

in re­la­tion to the pro­sec­u­tion of por­no­graphy in­volving minors or sexu­al acts with minors: un­der Art­icle 197 para­graphs 4 and 5 SCC226, provided the items or per­form­ances do not con­tain genu­ine sexu­al acts with minors;
in re­la­tion to the pro­sec­u­tion of of­fences un­der the NarcA227: un­der Art­icles 19 and 20–22 NarcA.

225 Amended by No I of the FA of 17 June 2022, in force since 1 Jan. 2024 (AS 2023 468; BBl 2019 6697).

226 SR 311.0

227 SR 812.121

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