Art. 32 Place of jurisdiction for offences committed abroad or at an unknown location
1 Where an offence was committed abroad or if the place of commission cannot be established, the authorities of the place where the accused is domiciled or habitually resident has jurisdiction to prosecute and adjudicate the offence. 2 If the accused is neither domiciled nor habitually resident in Switzerland, the authorities at his or her place of origin have jurisdiction; in the absence of a place of origin, the authorities of the place where the accused was found have jurisdiction. 3 In the absence of a place of jurisdiction in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2, authorities of the Canton requesting extradition have jurisdiction. BGE
149 IV 376 (1C_624/2022) from 21. April 2023
Regeste: a Art. 2 IRSG; Rechtshilfeausschlussgrund des Ordre public. Inhalt und Geltung des Ordre-public-Vorbehalts in der internationalen Rechtshilfe in Strafsachen. Anforderungen an den Beweis und an die Intensität der Prüfung durch die schweizerischen Rechtshilfebehörden. Schwerwiegende Verletzung des Rechts auf Zugang zum Gericht als Bestandteil des (nationalen und internationalen) Ordre public verneint (E. 3). |