Swiss Criminal Procedure Code
(Criminal Procedure Code, CrimPC)

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Art. 357

1 The ad­min­is­trat­ive au­thor­it­ies ap­poin­ted to pro­sec­ute and ad­ju­dic­ate con­tra­ven­tions have the powers of the pub­lic pro­sec­utor.

2 The pro­ced­ure is gov­erned mu­tatis mutandis by the reg­u­la­tions on the sum­mary pen­alty or­der pro­ced­ure.

3 If ele­ments of the con­tra­ven­tion have not been ful­filled, so the au­thor­ity re­spons­ible for pro­sec­ut­ing con­tra­ven­tions shall aban­don the pro­ceed­ings by is­su­ing a rul­ing with a brief state­ment of the reas­ons.

4 If in the view of the au­thor­ity re­spons­ible for pro­sec­ut­ing con­tra­ven­tions the facts of the case con­sti­tute a felony or mis­de­mean­our, it shall refer the case to the pub­lic pro­sec­utor.

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