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Swiss Criminal Procedure Code
(Criminal Procedure Code, CrimPC)

Art. 403 Decision to consider the substance of the appeal

1 The court of ap­peal shall de­cide in writ­ten pro­ceed­ings wheth­er it should con­sider the sub­stance of the ap­peal where the dir­ect­or of pro­ceed­ings or a party claims:

the no­tice of in­ten­tion to ap­peal or ap­peal pe­ti­tion was filed too late or is in­ad­miss­ible;
the ap­peal is in­ad­miss­ible un­der Art­icle 398;
pro­ced­ur­al re­quire­ments have not been ful­filled or there are pro­ced­ur­al im­ped­i­ments.

2 It shall give the parties op­por­tun­ity to com­ment.

3 If it de­cides not to con­sider the sub­stance of the ap­peal, it shall give no­tice of its de­cision and the grounds there­for to the parties.

4 The dir­ect­or of pro­ceed­ings shall oth­er­wise and without any fur­ther form­al­it­ies make the re­quired ar­range­ments for con­duct­ing the ap­peal pro­ceed­ings.