Swiss Criminal Procedure Code
(Criminal Procedure Code, CrimPC)

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Art. 418 Participation of more than one person and liability of third parties

1 If more than one per­son is li­able to pay costs, the costs shall be im­posed pro­por­tion­ately.

2 Where two or more per­sons are jointly re­spons­ible for costs be­ing in­curred, the crim­in­al justice au­thor­ity may or­der that the per­sons con­cerned be held jointly and sev­er­ally li­able to pay the costs.

3 It may re­quire third parties in ac­cord­ance with the civil law prin­ciples of li­ab­il­ity to bear the costs jointly and sev­er­ally with the ac­cused.

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