Swiss Criminal Procedure Code
(Criminal Procedure Code, CrimPC)

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Art. 427 Liability to pay costs of the private claimant and the complainant

1 The private claimant may be ordered to pay pro­ced­ur­al costs in­curred as a res­ult of his or her ap­plic­a­tions on civil mat­ters if:

the pro­ceed­ings are aban­doned or the ac­cused is ac­quit­ted;
the private claimant with­draws the civil claim be­fore the con­clu­sion of the tri­al be­fore the court of first in­stance;
the civil pro­ceed­ings are dis­missed or re­mit­ted to the civil courts.

2 In the case of of­fences pro­sec­uted only on com­plaint, pro­ced­ur­al costs may be im­posed on the com­plain­ant where he or she has wil­fully or through gross neg­li­gence brought about the pro­ceed­ings or has ob­struc­ted their con­duct, or on the private claimant where:

the pro­ceed­ings are aban­doned or the ac­cused is ac­quit­ted; and
the ac­cused is not li­able to pay costs in terms of Art­icle 426 para­graph 2.

3 If the com­plain­ant with­draws the crim­in­al com­plaint as part of a set­tle­ment ar­ranged by the pub­lic pro­sec­utor, the Con­fed­er­a­tion or the can­ton shall nor­mally bear the pro­ced­ur­al costs.

4 An agree­ment between the com­plain­ant and the ac­cused on who is to bear the costs in the event that the crim­in­al com­plaint is with­drawn re­quires the ap­prov­al of the au­thor­ity that or­ders the case to be aban­doned. The agree­ment may not pre­ju­dice the Con­fed­er­a­tion or the can­ton.


150 IV 196 (7B_38/2022) from 29. April 2024
Regeste: Art. 316 StPO; Entschädigung bei Einstellung des Strafverfahrens durch Vergleich. Wollen sich die Parteien in einem Vergleich Entschädigungen zulasten der Staatskasse vorbehalten, bedarf dieser der Genehmigung der Behörden (E. 2.2).

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