Swiss Criminal Procedure Code
(Criminal Procedure Code, CrimPC)

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Art. 432 Rights in relation to the private claimant and the complainant

1 The ac­cused, if ac­quit­ted, is en­titled to ap­pro­pri­ate com­pens­a­tion from the private claimant in re­spect of ex­pendit­ure in­curred in re­la­tion to the civil claim.

2 If the ac­cused is ac­quit­ted of an of­fence pro­sec­uted only on com­plaint, the com­plain­ant may be re­quired to com­pensate the ac­cused for ex­pendit­ure in­curred in the prop­er ex­er­cise of his or her pro­ced­ur­al rights, provided the com­plain­ant has brought about the pro­ceed­ings wil­fully or through gross neg­li­gence or has ob­struc­ted their con­duct.

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