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Radiological Protection Act (RPA)
English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.
of 22 March 1991 (Status as of 1 January 2022)
Art. 20Measures in response to danger arising from increased radioactivity
1 In the event of danger arising from increased radioactivity, the Federal Council shall order the measures necessary:
to protect the public;
to secure supplies throughout the country;
to maintain essential public services.
2 It shall issue the regulations required in the event of danger arising from increased radioactivity. In particular, it shall specify:
the radiation doses acceptable in exceptional situations;
the duty of persons and undertakings to assume responsibility, within the scope of their usual occupational and entrepreneurial activities, for certain tasks that are indispensable for the protection of the public; the life and health of the persons deployed shall be protected;
the equipment, training and insurance cover required for persons charged with special tasks.
3 If the Federal Council and the emergency response organization are not in a position to order the necessary measures, the cantonal governments or, in urgent cases, the competent cantonal agencies or, if need be, the communal authorities shall take the necessary measures.