Radiological Protection Act

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 22 March 1991 (Status as of 1 January 2022)

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Art. 43a Illegal handling of radioactive substances, unjustified radiation exposure of property 37

1 Any per­son who wil­fully:38

stores, dis­poses of or dis­charges ra­dio­act­ive sub­stances to the en­vir­on­ment in con­tra­ven­tion of the reg­u­la­tions;
sub­jects prop­erty of con­sid­er­able value to mani­festly un­jus­ti­fied ra­di­ation ex­pos­ure with the in­ten­tion of im­pair­ing its util­ity,

shall be li­able to a cus­todi­al sen­tence not ex­ceed­ing three years or to a mon­et­ary pen­alty.

2 If the of­fend­er ac­ted neg­li­gently, the pen­alty shall be a mon­et­ary pen­alty not ex­ceed­ing 180 daily pen­alty units.39

37 In­ser­ted by An­nex No II 4 of the Nuc­le­ar En­ergy Act of 21 March 2003, in force since 1 Dec. 2005 (AS 2004 4719; BBl 2001 2665).

38 Amended by Art. 333 of the Crim­in­al Code (SR 311.0) in the amended ver­sion of 13 Dec. 2002, in force since 1 Jan. 2007 (AS 2006 3459; BBl 1999 1979).

39 Amended by Art. 333 of the Crim­in­al Code (SR 311.0) in the amended ver­sion of 13 Dec. 2002, in force since 1 Jan. 2007 (AS 2006 3459; BBl 1999 1979).

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