Radiological Protection Ordinance

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 26 April 2017 (Status as of 1 January 2021)

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Art. 162 Radon database

1 The FOPH shall main­tain a cent­ral radon data­base. In this data­base, it shall store the data which is re­quired to al­low con­tinu­ous as­sess­ment of the im­ple­ment­a­tion of meas­ure­ments and re­medi­ation pro­jects and to draw stat­ist­ic­al and sci­entif­ic con­clu­sions.

2 The fol­low­ing data on in­di­vidu­al build­ings shall be stored in the cent­ral radon data­base:

loc­a­tion (co­ordin­ates, plot num­ber);
Swiss fed­er­al build­ing iden­ti­fi­er (EGID) and dwell­ing iden­ti­fi­er (EWID) in ac­cord­ance with the Or­din­ance of 31 May 200055 on the Fed­er­al Re­gister of Build­ings and Dwell­ings;
in­form­a­tion on the premises;
meas­ure­ment data;
re­medi­ation data;
own­er and user (name, ad­dress, post­code, place);
year of con­struc­tion.

3 The staff of the FOPH Radon Tech­nic­al and In­form­a­tion Centre are en­titled to pro­cess the data in the data­base.

4 To ful­fil the re­spons­ib­il­it­ies as­signed to them, the fol­low­ing shall have elec­tron­ic ac­cess to data in the data­base as spe­cified be­low:

the ap­proved radon meas­ure­ment pro­viders: to the data which they have col­lec­ted them­selves;
the can­tons: to all data col­lec­ted on their ter­rit­ory;
Suva: to all data col­lec­ted at work­places.

5 The FOPH may, on the basis of a data pro­tec­tion agree­ment, make avail­able to third parties data from the radon data­base for re­search pur­poses sub­ject to the fol­low­ing re­quire­ments and con­di­tions:

The data shall be an­onymised as soon as the pur­pose of pro­cessing per­mits.
The data shall not be trans­ferred.
If the res­ults are pub­lished, this must be done in a com­pletely an­onymised form.

55 [AS 2000 1555, 2004 3367, 2005 3381, 2007 33996719An­nex No 7, 20124707. AS 2017 3459An­nex No 2 I]. See Now the O of 9 June 2017 (RS 431.841).

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