Radiological Protection Ordinance

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 26 April 2017 (Status as of 1 January 2021)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 192 Automatic network for monitoring radioactivity in Switzerland

1 The FOPH shall op­er­ate an auto­mat­ic net­work for the gen­er­al mon­it­or­ing of ra­dio­activ­ity in the en­vir­on­ment. This net­work shall also meas­ure im­mis­sion levels in the vi­cin­ity of en­ter­prises which dis­charge ra­dio­act­ive sub­stances to the en­vir­on­ment or could dis­charge lar­ger quant­it­ies there­of.

2 The FOPH, in co­oper­a­tion with the com­pet­ent su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity, shall spe­cify re­quire­ments for the mon­it­or­ing net­work with re­gard to mon­it­or­ing in the vi­cin­ity of en­ter­prises as spe­cified in para­graph 1.

3 En­ter­prises where a sub­stan­tial re­lease of ra­dio­activ­ity can­not be ruled out shall bear the costs of pur­chas­ing and op­er­at­ing those mon­it­or­ing sta­tions with­in the auto­mat­ic net­work which are used to mon­it­or ra­dio­activ­ity in their vi­cin­ity.

4The costs of pur­chas­ing equip­ment, ex­clud­ing plan­ning costs, are deemed to be ac­quis­i­tion costs. The costs of site rent­al, as­sur­ance of in­form­a­tion se­cur­ity, main­ten­ance and re­pair, and elec­tri­city are deemed to be op­er­at­ing costs.

5The FOPH shall charge the pre­vi­ous year’s costs for run­ning the rel­ev­ant mon­it­or­ing sta­tions an­nu­ally to the in­di­vidu­al en­ter­prises.

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