Radiological Protection Ordinance

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 26 April 2017 (Status as of 1 January 2021)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 193 Sampling and measurement programme

1 The FOPH, in co­oper­a­tion with EN­SI, Suva, the NEOC and the can­tons, shall pre­pare a sampling and meas­ure­ment pro­gramme for planned and for ex­ist­ing ex­pos­ure situ­ations.

2 For the im­ple­ment­a­tion of the sampling and meas­ure­ment pro­gramme, the fed­er­al labor­at­or­ies, in par­tic­u­lar the PSI, the Swiss Fed­er­al In­sti­tute of Aquat­ic Sci­ence and Tech­no­logy (Eawag) and the Spiez Labor­at­ory, are re­quired to co­oper­ate and to make avail­able at all times the ne­ces­sary hu­man and ma­ter­i­al re­sources.

3 Third parties may be en­gaged if needed to im­ple­ment the sampling and meas­ure­ment pro­gramme

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