Radiological Protection Ordinance

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 26 April 2017 (Status as of 1 January 2021)

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Art. 45 Dose constraints and dose calculation

1 In re­search pro­jects with no ex­pec­ted dir­ect be­ne­fit, a dose con­straint of 5 mSv per year (ef­fect­ive dose) ap­plies to the par­ti­cipants.

2 In ex­cep­tion­al cases, the dose con­straint spe­cified in para­graph 1 may be up to 20 mSv per year (ef­fect­ive dose), with con­sid­er­a­tion be­ing giv­en to age, fer­til­ity, life ex­pect­ancy and health status, provided that this is ab­so­lutely es­sen­tial for meth­od­o­lo­gic­al reas­ons.

3 In the case of com­bined pro­ced­ures, all ra­di­ation sources must be taken in­to ac­count in the cal­cu­la­tion or es­tim­a­tion of the dose to par­ti­cipants.

4 In the cal­cu­la­tion or es­tim­a­tion of the dose, the un­cer­tainty factor must be taken in­to ac­count.

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