Art. 70 Further duties of the personal dosimetry service
1 The personal dosimetry service must retain the dose values and personal details, as well as all the raw data required for calculation of the doses to be reported at a later date, for a period of two years after submission to the Central Dose Registry. 2 In accordance with the instructions of the competent authority, it must participate at its own expense in intercomparison exercises. 3 If a personal dosimetry service wishes to cease its activities, it must give the competent authority, its clients and the supervisory authorities responsible for its clients at least six months’ advance notice. 4 The personal dosimetry service ceasing its activities shall transfer its archived data to the new personal dosimetry services designated by its clients. 5 In exceptional cases, the competent authority shall determine the steps to be taken. 6 If a client terminates its contractual relationship with the personal dosimetry service, the latter must draw the client’s attention to its duties as a licence holder as specified in Article 64 and inform the supervisory authority of the termination. |