Radiological Protection Ordinance

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 26 April 2017 (Status as of 1 January 2022)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 81 Working areas

1 Work­ing areas must be es­tab­lished with­in a con­trolled area in sep­ar­ate rooms re­served for these pur­poses.

2 They shall be clas­si­fied in­to the fol­low­ing types, ac­cord­ing to the activ­ity of the ra­dio­act­ive ma­ter­i­als handled per op­er­a­tion or per day:

type C: an activ­ity from 1 to 100 times the li­cens­ing lim­it;
type B: an activ­ity from 1 to 10 000 times the li­cens­ing lim­it;
type A: an activ­ity from 1 times the li­cens­ing lim­it to an up­per lim­it defined in the li­cens­ing pro­ced­ure.

3 For the stor­age of ra­dio­act­ive ma­ter­i­als in work­ing areas, the su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity may in­crease the val­ues spe­cified in para­graph 2 by up to a factor of 100.

4 The su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity may al­low ex­cep­tions to para­graph 1 on op­er­a­tion­al grounds, provided that ra­di­olo­gic­al pro­tec­tion is as­sured.

5 The su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity may in ex­cep­tion­al cases, where hand­ling in­volves a low risk of in­takes, in­crease the val­ues spe­cified in para­graph 2 by up to a factor of 10, provided that ra­di­olo­gic­al pro­tec­tion is as­sured.

6 The su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity may in in­di­vidu­al cases, tak­ing in­to ac­count the risk of in­takes, as­sign work­ing areas to a dif­fer­ent type from that spe­cified in para­graph 2, provided that only activ­it­ies in­volving a low risk of in­hal­a­tion are car­ried out therein.

7 The FDHA, in con­sulta­tion with EN­SI, shall is­sue the ne­ces­sary reg­u­la­tions con­cern­ing pro­tec­tion meas­ures.

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