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on Sanctions imposed for
Unlawful Restraints of Competition
(Cartel Act Sanctions Ordinance, CASO)

of 12 March 2004 (Status as of 18 February 2021)

Art. 9 Form and content of the voluntary report

1 The vol­un­tary re­port shall con­tain all ne­ces­sary in­form­a­tion on the un­der­tak­ing it­self, on the nature of the re­por­ted in­fringe­ment of com­pet­i­tion, on the oth­er un­der­tak­ings par­ti­cip­at­ing in the in­fringe­ment of com­pet­i­tion and on the af­fected or rel­ev­ant mar­kets. The vol­un­tary re­port may also take the form of verbal state­ment which is sub­sequently tran­scribed.

2 The un­der­tak­ing may file the vol­un­tary re­port by sub­mit­ting an­onym­ous in­form­a­tion. The Sec­ret­ari­at shall de­term­ine the mod­al­it­ies on an in­di­vidu­al basis in con­sulta­tion with a mem­ber of the presid­ing body of the Com­pet­i­tion Com­mis­sion.

3 The Sec­ret­ari­at shall ac­know­ledge re­ceipt of the vol­un­tary re­port, in­dic­at­ing the date and time of re­ceipt. It shall in­form the re­port­ing un­der­tak­ing in con­sulta­tion with a mem­ber of the presid­ing body:

of the ex­tent to which it re­gards the re­quire­ments for com­plete im­munity from the sanc­tion in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 8 para­graph 1 as ful­filled;
of any ad­di­tion­al in­form­a­tion that the re­port­ing un­der­tak­ing shall sub­mit, in par­tic­u­lar to ful­fil the re­quire­ments set out in Art­icle 8 para­graph 1; and
in the case of an an­onym­ous vol­un­tary re­port, of the peri­od with­in which the un­der­tak­ing must dis­close its iden­tity.