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Animal Welfare Act

Art. 10 Breeding and production of animals

1 The use of nat­ur­al and ar­ti­fi­cial meth­ods of breed­ing and re­pro­duc­tion must not cause any pain, suf­fer­ing, harm or be­ha­vi­our­al dis­orders in the par­ent an­im­als or their off­spring that res­ult from or are as­so­ci­ated with the breed­ing ob­ject­ive, sub­ject to the pro­vi­sions on an­im­al ex­per­i­ments.

2 The Fed­er­al Coun­cil shall is­sue reg­u­la­tions on the breed­ing and pro­duc­tion of an­im­als and define the cri­ter­ia for as­sess­ing the per­miss­ib­il­ity of breed­ing ob­ject­ives and re­pro­duc­tion meth­ods; in do­ing so, it con­siders the an­im­al’s dig­nity. It may pro­hib­it the breed­ing, pro­duc­tion, hus­bandry, im­port, trans­it, ex­port and pla­cing on the mar­ket of an­im­als with cer­tain traits, in par­tic­u­lar phys­ic­al and be­ha­vi­our­al ab­nor­mal­it­ies.15

15 Second sen­tence amended by No I of the FA of 15 June 2012, in force since 1 Jan. 2013 (AS 2012 6279; BBl 2011 7055).