Art. 11 Authorisation requirement for genetically modified animals
1 Any person who produces, breeds, keeps, manages or trades in genetically modified animals requires cantonal authorisation. Any person who produces, breeds, keeps or trades in such animals for the purpose of research, therapy or diagnostics requires cantonal authorisation in accordance with Article 19 paragraph 1. In other cases, the authorisation procedure is based on the provisions governing animal experiments and on the Gene Technology Act of 21 March 200316. 2 Having consulted the interested parties, the Federal Ethics Committee on Non-Human Biotechnology, the Swiss Expert Committee for Biosafety and the Swiss Committee on Animal Experiments, the Federal Council shall define the criteria for weighing the implications of producing, breeding, housing and using genetically modified animals and trading in such animals. 3 The Federal Council regulates the requirements binding on the institutes in which activities as defined in the second sentence of paragraph 1 are carried out, and in particular the requirements with regard to infrastructure, personnel, supervision and documentation. 4 It may allow exemptions from the authorisation requirement or simplifications in the authorisation procedure, particularly if it is certain that the animals will not experience pain, suffering or harm, or develop behavioural disorders as a result of the production and breeding methods and that their dignity will otherwise be taken into account. |